20 Facts About Laya

  1. I was born in Oakland, CA.

  2. My parents are immigrants to this country.

  3. I have 3 sisters. I am the second oldest.

  4. I am Filipina-American working on and discovering what it means to be Filipina-American. I’m writing my own story.

  5. I wish I had a dog.

  6. I studied Art Education for my undergraduate degree. Go Terps!

  7. I moved to New York City in 2007. I Left in 2021 to teach internationally in Hanoi, Vietnam.

  8. I am a foodie.

  9. I want to visit as many countries as I can.

  10. I want to write a book.

  11. I love my role as an auntie in the family. I have 3 nieces and 3 nephews.

  12. I am the first in my entire family to go beyond a bachelor’s degree and hope to pave the way for my nieces and nephews.

  13. I love to learn and am a passionate educator.

  14. I love adventures. Everything is an adventure!

  15. I consciously work to improve myself as a person.

  16. I love to travel but sometimes I really love alone time.

  17. I have a very loud laugh.

  18. I love American football, beer, and wings.

  19. I have a Janet Jackson obsession.

  20. One day I will build my own house.